Beautiful Hands

Beautiful Hands

Mission Chepito understands that our primary role is to become a bridge where the world’s greatest needs are met by the passionate givers’, willing to meet those needs – MY role is to help shatter any barriers that might seem to get in the way, and together we...
Renewing Minds

Renewing Minds

THE COMMUNITY LEARNING HOUSE IS RENEWING MINDS ONE GENERATION AT A TIME. Now that we have the phase 1 completed, the children are thrilled and excited for the upcoming kitchen and dining room. The improvement I see in their behavior is stunning; I notice the children...
Online Afterschool Program

Online Afterschool Program

WE HAVE FINALIZED A PLAN ON HOW TO BEST HELP THE MC CHILDREN WITH THEIR ONLINE SCHOOL WORK. Our plan is to use the same system as the school district called “Aprende en Casa” – For each grade, there will be four children attending at a time. As we know, it’s difficult...